If you have a pet, you know that as domesticated as pets are, their instincts are still, well, animalistic. Observing an animal at close quarters is the nearest you will get to the natural world. Even our postures are no longer as natural as they should be. So what can we learn from our them? Here's looking at what our pets can teach us about health and fitness... Have you walked your dog lately? Taking the responsibility of walking your dog is not only great exercise but also a great way to add a little zing to your workout.  Try taking your dog for a walk to a park where dogs are allowed off their leash and just run around with your pet. You will be surprised at what a good workout you'll get. Your dog will suddenly sprint when she sees something that excites her and will take you on a nice little run, slow down, dart to one side, roll over, try and jump up a tree to chase a bird, and generally just take pleasure in being free. I understand if you're wary of attracting strange stares, but the fun and spontaneity of it all is well worth it. We forget what good spontaneous fun is all about, and playing catch up with your dog will leave you panting and enjoying your workout. Taking simple pleasure from a long walk. Even if you can't find a park that allows you to take your dog off the leash, just taking your dog for a simple walk will show you how much joy your dog derives from just walking and spending time with you. The energy will be something that will help you keep a good pace, as your dog won't allow you to slack off. The power of touch It's impossible not to notice how good your dog or cat feels when you rub under their chin or scratch behind their ears. The comfort of affection through constant touching and caressing, leads to over all happiness and unless you're happy you can't really be healthy, can you? Play daily This may not be feasible in our well-ordained lives but even incorporating play