Vanity is no longer a woman's domain. Men have too joined the race to look more attractive. And judging by the increase in number of unisex salons in the city, it seems that 'vanity' has actually no gender biases. Be it manicure, pedicure, facial or even hair spas, men do not want to be too far behind. 'Looking good' is the mantra now everybody swears by. This definitely has to do a lot with the changing times and the change in mindset. Rajika Kacheria, a cosmetologist, attributes this to movies and the internet. She adds, "Men are more aware about beauty and looks now thanks to films and internet. Everybody wants to look good, feel good. Till now, beauty was all about women and now men are also taking to it with keen interest." "Although, it's still not too out in the open as men don't like talking about it due to their inhibitions and our basic societal structure, many of my clients come and ask me about places their husbands or boyfriends can go to," she added. Fashion designer Ashish Parikh feels this trend should have caught up long back, but he says that, "It's better late than never," and that, "It should be welcomed." He adds that, "There is no harm in looking good and having polished and groomed nails with a healthy skin. Unisex salons are good because there are people who are professionally doing it." But does it make a difference in your professional or personal life? "It surely makes one feel better," says Ashish. He adds, "It brings a change in your personality" and that in turn definitely makes a difference, whether it's personal or professional. And as people in the city are becoming more aware of the latest fashion trends it has become, "important to look nice as a well-groomed personality creates good impressions," says Rajika. Amulya Ray, a young professional who frequents salons, says, "I don't see why should it be a woman's prerogative only to look good. Grooming is a part of today's highly competitive business world. I go for these sessions at a salon because I believe in pampering myself." Sheriar Doctor, owner of a security agency who frequently visits beauty salons says, "I go to such salons as it makes me feel good. It not only boosts confidence but also makes me look good which definitely is a plus point in your professional as well as personal life." He goes on to add, "There is always the plus point of maintaining good hygiene and I don't mind spending lavishly if the treatment is good." It would be safe to say that, "men have always been attracted to vanity," says Digvijay, a fashion designer. "This trend has been there for decades, but was not out in the open until now." When asked about it being restricted to only certain sections of the society, he replies, "People are now spending more on luxury and it has become a neccesity." He also attributes this to the 'advancement of technology' which has made it possible to come face to face with things which were alien to us until recently. Only time will tell whether this is a passing fad or something that will last forever. However, unisex salons have made a startling difference in the way men look and feel about themselves. We can just wait and see what is in store for all those who believe in looking at their level best.