Yemen and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)discussed here on Monday the joint cooperation to prepare a plan to developagriculture sector and enhance its role in achieving food security in the country. During their meeting, Agriculture and Irrigation Minister Farid Mujawar and FAOrepresentative in Yemen Salah Hajj Hassan and FAO's delegation reviewed theactivities of agriculture sector in Yemen and its needs to protect agricultural farmsfrom soil erosion by floods as well as the preparation of agricultural developmentstudies.They also reviewed the projects of rainwater harvesting tanks and circulatingmodern technologies of water use rationalization.Mujawar valued the FAO's efforts to achieve food security in Yemen, expressing hopefor further support for agricultural activities.For his part, Hassan underscored the importance to launch as soon as possible thefood security information system project.He said that the project will enhance the decision-making process and support thenational policies, stressing FAO's readiness to provide all assistances to supportYemen's trends to achieve food security.