Sanaa - Saba
President's Adviser for Defense and Security Affairs AliMohsen Saleh met here onThursdaywithrepresentative of Doctors without borders(MSF) mission Eric Jeunot.During the meeting, Jeunot briefed Saleh on the activities of the MSF mission inYemen and the humanitarian and medical services it provides.He said that the MSF concentrated its activities in emergency departments andmaternity and childhood diseases and only in Amran and Aden provinces, addingthat the mission has a plan to expand its activity to cover more areas in the country.He noted to the mission's plan is expanding its scope for more areas which focusingon emergency departments , maternity and childhood diseases.For his parts, the President Adviser stressed that the government would continue toprovide the required support to enable the mission to do its duties well, valuinghighly the humanitarian and medical efforts the MSF makes in Yemen.