Actress Haifa Wahby says rumors aim to undermine “Herbaya” success
Actress Haifa Wahby

Egyptian actress Haifa Wahby denied what was published over her secretary’s clash with assistant director of “Herbaya” TV drama show, saying that what was published in this regard is unfounded rumors. She clarified that she is currently preoccupied in filming her role in the series scheduled to be presented during the coming Ramadan.

She stressed that the series will achieve notable success and attract the attention of audience since its first episode, saying that it will be a turning point in her career. She added that the new drama show will be a surprise for the fans who will be keen to follow its episodes. She strongly criticized the rumors that targeted her during the recent period, saying that these rumors aim to undermine the expected success of the new drama show.

Lebanese singer Haifa Wahby blamed the rumors launched by a number of haters, saying that such rumors aiming to undermine the new TV drama show “Harbaya” in which a large number of superstars participate, including Donia Abdel Aziz.

She added that the false news dominated media channels and newspapers. She said, “I do not know the reason behind launching such rumors presented as facts. They wrote stories that I hit an actress, while others said I have been robbed. Such stories are not founded and have no relation with the facts.”

She added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that “Harbaya” TV drama show is scheduled to be presented during the coming Ramadan and will make all haters silent. She said, “I believe of collective works. I am always keen to exert my efforts to meet the expectations of my fans in all over the Arab world.”

She called the critics for waiting until the presentation of the series to give their opinions. She added that she is still shooting her scenes in “El Harbaya” series, which will be aired next Ramadan. She plays the role of “Asalya” who at first lives in an alleyway and faces a lot of problems, then she escapes and meets many people welling to help her, and finally she stops running and hides in Upper Egypt for a while.

She expressed her pleasure for participating in the TV drama show scheduled to be presented during the coming Ramadan, saying that her role is pivotal and prominent. She bets on its success, saying that the people will interact with this work quickly.

She added that the new drama work was written by Akram Mustafa and produced by Mamdouh Shahin, saying that she is very harmonious with the role she performs during the series. She stressed that the role she performs in the new drama show will, as usual, raise a state of controversy among the audience, saying that it is expected that the role will leave positive reactions.

She stressed that her new experience will be fully different from her previous roles. She added, “We work intensively during the current period to end the filming before Ramadan, while I am very consistent with the working atmosphere. I attempt to deliver the personality I perform as it is.” She praised the harmony between her and the Egyptian artist Dina, calling the critics to wait until the presentation of the work. 

Source: Ahram online