Egyptian actress Maies Hamadan

Egyptian actress Maies Hamadan expressed her pleasure for the positive reactions she received over her role in the new TV drama show “Spotlight” currently presented in the framework of drama season of Ramadan, saying that she is keen to follow the people’s reactions whether through the social media networks or their comments in the street.
She added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the coming episodes of the new drama show will witness increasing developments to change the course of events, saying that such changes will be a turning point in the life of the character she performs. She praised her participation in the series, saying that it will be a turning point in her career as an actress.
She revealed that her role in the new drama show “Spotlight” is different from any roles she performed previously. She added that she was aspiring to perform the roles of action to enrich her career.
She added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that what attracted her to the role is its difference from her previous roles, stressing her keenness to diversify her roles. She expressed her hope that the new series will achieve success during its presentation in the coming Ramadan.
She added that she has not presented any new songs during the recent period due to the lack of production companies to adopt her singing works. She stressed that she cannot produce her songs by herself.
Hamadan denied what was published over the similarity of her new program scheduled to be filmed and presented during the coming period, and previous program “Forgiver is Generous” presented by high-profile media host George Kerdahi. She revealed that her program is considered a comedy show and is not related to humanitarian cases.
She added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, she is happy for participating in a number of drama shows during the current period, including “Foxes in the Valley” and “Spotlight”, in addition to her new program scheduled to be presented during the coming Ramadan. She expressed her readiness to participate in many works if she found the suitable role.
She continued that she is close to end filming her role in the TV drama show “Spotlight” in which she performs the role of Hany Salama’s wife, adding that she also resumes filming her role in “Foxes in the Valley” during the current period.