Young Egyptian actress “Reham Haggag”

Young Egyptian actress “Reham Haggag” expressed her happiness in an interview with “Arab Today” for participation in the new Egyptian move “Mawlana”, currently viewed in Cinemas.
I am happy  for the movie’s success, and consider it the most important work in my career, as it won the admiration of both the fans and the critics, said “Haggag”, adding that the movie discussed a very important topic, which the religious speech and terrorism confrontation by Ideas.
About her excitement of the movie despite the fact she only had a cameo role, Haggag said that it does not matter to have only a cameo role as long as the movie has a positive influence on the society . she added that when she was picked by the director “Magdy  Ahmed Ali”, she took a look at the scenario that left her even more excited, the movie had all the factors of success, Haggag said, it is a novel written by the great journalist “Ibrahim Eissa”, directed by the most talented “Ahmed Ali”, and starring the charismatic actor “Amr Sa’ad”.
My role in the movie is going to be a surprise for the fans, as it is different from all my previous roles, said Haggag.
Haggag said she expects another movie starring her with the actors “Ahmed El Fishawy” and “Amr Waked”, the movie called “The monkey talks” will be viewed in cinemas during the current week, said Haggag, and it revolves around the life of two magician brothers who are trying to set a trick to save their innocent father from Prison.
Haggag said that she considers her roles in the series “Segn el nessa” or “Women’s prison” and “Heba raougl al ghorab” a turning point in her career.
At the end of the interview, Haggag wished that the year 2017 bears peace and stability for Egypt, for herself she hoped to participate in movies and series elevate the Egyptian Drama.