Egyptian actress Rania Fareed Shawky

Egyptian actress Rania Fareed Shawky revealed that she will not appear during the coming drama season of Ramadan, saying that she did not find the suitable scenario supporting her for competition. She added that the authors have not ended writing the scenarios of shows scheduled to be presented during the coming Ramadan.
She stressed her keenness to choose her roles carefully, saying, “I prefer to read the scenario well before filming to choose the role which would enrich my career. I do not seek to be presented in the scene, while I work to find the suitable role.”
She expressed her pleasure over the positive reactions to her role in “Blood Series” TV drama show presented currently in a number of satellite channels.
The Egyptian actress said that her role in the series is different from her previous roles, stressing that this difference pushed her to accept to participate in the new show. She added that she was fearing to participate in the series which achieved notable success in its first parts, saying it was adventure.
She added that the personality she performs in the series will witness a large number of developments and surprises during the coming episodes. A number of superstars participate in the show, including Abla Kamel, Reyad Al Kholi, Randa Al Behairy, and Ramy Waheed.
Regarding the reasons of the failure of “Singer” drama show, the Egyptian actress stressed it was better to present this kind of drama outside Ramadan’s season, saying that it was depending on the idea of narration. She denied what was published over her regret for participating in this show, saying, “It makes me proud to participate with Egyptian superstar, singer Mohamed Mounir in his first drama experience.”
He revealed that she received a number of offers to participate in cinema, while she did not like the roles offered to her. She added that she refused a number of cinema offers because of this reason. She stressed the need for diversifying her roles, stressing that any actor should work not repeat his roles.