Jordanian singer Diana Karzon

Jordanian singer Diana Karzon is scheduled to issue her new album during the coming days, as she expressed her pleasure for the success of her new works. She said that she aspires to the success of the new album, stressing that she was not absent from singing during the recent period, as she issued a number of single successful songs.

She revealed, during an interview with “Arabs Today”, that the new album has a number of romantic songs, while others are with sad nature, saying that she seeks to diversify her works with no focus on specific kind at the expense of others. She expressed her aspiration to return to drama, clarifying that she received a large number of offers, while she refused them all.

She added, “I am always keen to give the priority to singing. I should choose the right time and suitable role to return to the drama.” She blamed the current financial critical conditions for pushing a number of singer to turn into dram, saying, “I do not care of the financial gains. I do not give priority to money when it comes to work. If I received a drama offer, which can meet my aspirations, I would accept to participate regardless off the salary.”

The Jordanian singer revealed the reason behind her absence from singing during the recent period, saying, “I like to prepare well for my works to present successful works that meet the aspirations of my fans.”. She stressed that the artist cannot assess himself, as the real assessment comes from the fans.