Egyptian superstar Yahia Al-Fakhrany

Egyptian superstar Yahia Al-Fakhrany expressed his pleasure of what he achieved during his career since its beginning, saying that he gave priority to the fans. He stressed his keenness to choose his works carefully to meet the expectations of his fans in all over the Arab world, saying that he does not care whether to be existed in every season or not.

The Egyptian high-profile actor stressed that he has no accounts on Twitter, saying that some people created a new account with his name to insult Egypt’s military institution and the country’s leaders. He stressed his confidence in the Egyptian authorities saying that they are able to contain the current problems witnessed in the Egyptian community.

Regarding the controversy over the two Red Sea Islands Tiran and Sanafeer, he said that he is convinced that the two islands are Saudis, saying that Egypt’s military forces do not sell the Egyptian land. He added that he received a number of offers to participate in drama shows during the coming period, while he has not taken the final decision whether to participate in any of them or not.

He added that he prepares currently for a new work for children, saying that such works need to discuss specific values in indirect ways. He added that he presented works for children before through providing them with advices directly, saying that he is not satisfied with this experience. He stressed the need for promoting values and principles for children in indirect way.

He added that he was keen to follow a number of drama show presented during the latest drama season of Ramadan, saying that he followed a number of TV series, including Kafer Delhab and President’s Shadow. He said that these works discussed new issues that have not been discussed before. He added that such works managed to achieve high popularity among fans and attract their attention.

He expressed her pleasure for her participation in theatrical performance “Night of Thousand Nights”, saying that it is considered a turning point in Egypt’s theatre. He stressed that he gives priority to the theatre during the current critical period of time to revive the Egyptian art that extremely suffered from major challenges during the recent years.