Israeli-Forces detaind Palestinians

Israeli occupation forces detained eight Palestinians in different part in the West Bank on Wednesday. Israeli troops arrested a Palestinian women at the Abu Ar-Reesh military roadblock, close to the Ibrahimi Mosque, accused of carrying out stabbing attacks against Israeli soldiers. 

Three other Palestinian citizens from Halhul town north of Hebron were also arrested by Israeli soldiers, who erected military barriers at the entrances of Ethna village and Al-Fawar refugee camp.

The Israeli soldiers also detained one Palestinian in Dhannaba village east of Tulkarem, one in Kufr Qaddoum east of Qalqilya, and two others in Beit Fajjar south of Bethlehem.

Also on Wednesday, confrontations between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians erupted in Hizma village northeast of the occupied city of Jerusalem, during which the soldiers extensively used rubber bullets, toxic gas against the locals. No injuries were reported.