Cairo - Akram Ali
The losing candidate in Egypt's presidential election, Ahmed Shafiq, announced a new political party that was now open to membership. A statement issued by the former premier's political bureau also commented on rumours spread on social networking sites by ardent Shafiq-supporters who started receiving requests for the party on their own. The statement said the name of the party had not been decided yet. It announced that it would be after the preparation of legal papers including the political framework of the party, which will represent the "Egyptian family" in various sectors, and raising the slogan of “Egypt for all”. It also said it would uphold the civil state and consolidate a centrist approach to "Egyptian" religions, and achieve social justice. Shafiq said: "I had declared before that candidacy for the presidential elections will not be the end of my political life in Egypt, and I insist on continuing my work on national levels through political activity. I will also establish a party in response to daily communications and contacts I directly or indirectly receive from various people."