Algiers – Hocine Bousaleh
Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has urged other countries to carry out more killings following the murder of the American ambassador in Benghazi. The call to action follows the controversial release of a ‘heinous’ film which offends the ‘innocence of Muslims’ attacking the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, according to a statement issued by Al Qaeda. "America today has condemned and debunked itself by its own claims and actions, when it attacked the Prophet, peace be upon him, after it continued to lie and claims that the war is against terrorism, not Islam," the statement adds. The organisation called on the people of the Maghreb countries to kill or expel all American presence in Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania. The Jihadist Salafist organisation praised killing the American ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi and said this will be the end of anyone who offends Islam and the sanctity of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. It's believed the Al Qaeda statement was issued to counteract the insability within the organisation, headed by Abdelmalek Droukdel, and keep the organisation in the media after it lost a number of leaders and active elements.