Informed security sources have revealed that the Intelligence Department in the Lebanese Internal Security Forces presented a documented file to the Military Prosecutor proving that the former Security Chief retired General, Jamil al-Sayed, accompanied former Minister, Michel Samaha, through the transmission of 24 explosives from Damascus to Beirut on August 9. A security authority told Arabstoday that they had submitted evidence to judiciary authorities related to al-Sayed’s involvement in explosives transport in Samaha’s car to Beirut. They also clarified that DNA tests were carried out on the back of the seat which clearly showed that al-Sayed had accompanied Samaha. He explained that initial investigations referred to eye witness reports from security agents who were in charge of work at the crossing, stating that al-Sayed had accompanied Samaha. A judicial source had said that the Military Prosecutor referred investigation results in al-Sayed’s involvement to the First Military Investigation Judge, Riyadh Abu Ghida to take the applicable measures. He is now preparing to question Samaha in the third session which will take place tomorrow, after a three week break. During this time he had taken testimonies from Samaha’s driver and his escort. In a primary reaction, al-Sayed had said: “As long as the matter has reached the court, there’s no problem. We advise the intelligence department to avoid sporting with Samaha’s case if they are serious.” Al-Sayed concluded: “This is the fifth time that my name has been pushed in Samaha’s case and I once again, will not comment.”