Alia Nassif

MP of the State of Law Coalition, Alia Nassif said in a press conference held in the parliament that she completed the legal procedures regarding the interrogation of Minister of Trade and Planning Salman Jumaili, but was surprised when the minister refused to attend because he is on a trip for four different countries, but the presidency avoided this problem and re-scheduled the next hearing to next week.

She added that, this sudden trip is to end the legislative term in order to postpone it to the next legislative term, and that she was surprised about the lawsuit brought to the federal court by the government saying that she has no authority to question the Minister of Commerce, but she cleared that, her interrogation wasn’t only for the minister of commerce but also for the minister of planning and she has 5 questions with 10 sub questions for each original one for the Ministry of Commerce and 4 questions for the Planning Ministry.

She confirmed that, she has documents that will be presented during the interrogation that the Minister of Commerce has all the powers to practice his authority, and that these documents are signed by the minister approving to move general managers and to release others, along with other deals and contracts.