African Union Members.

The Africa Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has called on international community to increase resources to help security forces counter use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) in the Horn of Africa nation.

Speaking at a seminar which ended on Thursday, AMISOM Deputy Force Commander in charge of Support and Logistics Nakibus Lakara said countering the ongoing threat to life and security caused by IEDs in Somalia requires increased cordon and search operations and training for AMISOM and Somali security personnel on IED countermeasures.

"This is because some of the troop contributing countries have limited capabilities that are inadequate to defeat the use of IEDs," he added.

The AU official appealed for technical expertise and equipment to help counter the use of IEDs which have become the weapon of choice of the militant group Al-Shabaab.

Lakara noted that the militants were manufacturing bigger IEDs, some weighing more than 80 kilograms.

Sourc : XINHUA