Caabu Director Chris Doyle

In various interviews in the media on the situation in Aleppo, Caabu Director Chris Doyle lamented the appalling carnage in the Syrian city accusing the Syrian regime and Russia of “plumbing new depths.”  He accused the international community of routinely failing Syria and Syrians.  Aleppo sets a worrying precedent where “starve and surrender tactics become siege and slaughter.  Other areas still under siege – who are looking at this and asking when it will be their turn.    Is the international community going to stand so limply on the side-lines and do nothing?   The Russians have shown, at least in the Syrian context, that the Americans are weak to useless but this does not mean that Russia or the Syrian regime has won, if winning is at all possible.”

Doyle stressed that all parties must start with immediate effect to put the lives and well-being of civilians first.  This must include full unimpeded access for international aid agencies as stipulated under United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254.  Similarly, aid must be allowed into the other 15 areas in Syria under siege on the same basis.  He also expressed concern that those civilians being “moved to Idlib were simply being forcibly transferred from one war zone, from one target of bombing to another.” 

The shaky ceasefire deal must be accompanied by a proper, well-resourced monitoring and reporting system to ensure that any ceasefire deal can hold.  Earlier efforts were too limited. 

Finally, any ceasefire deal must lead to a credible, inclusive political process that seeks to end the fighting in Syria and produce a new political blueprint for the country.  The horror of Aleppo should drive all parties to work even harder to bring this about.