The legislative affairs bodies of the legislatures

China will employ qualified lawyers and legal experts as legislative workers through open recruitment, a document issued by the general office of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee said Sunday.

The legislative affairs bodies of the legislatures, and those of the government, will be allowed to recruit lawyers and legal experts to draft bills and regulations, according to the document.

The document also asks courts and procuratorial organs to reserve an appropriate number of vacancies for qualified lawyers and legal experts when recruiting judges and prosecutors.

In addition to rich experience and professionalism, the candidates for those positions should uphold the leadership of the CPC and be loyal to the Constitution and laws, according to the document.

It mandates that their belief in socialist legal system should be firm.

The 17-clause document also lists seven occasions which will disqualify a candidate from recruitment, including receiving criminal penalties or losing licenses or jobs due to the violation of laws and codes of conduct.

Once recruited, the lawyers and legal experts can no longer hold part-time jobs in enterprises and law firms, according to the document which took effect on June 2.