People celebrate cause U.S. responsible for deterioration of Korean Peninsula nuclear issue

China urged all parties involved in the Korean Peninsular nuclear issue to "strictly, completely and exactly" abide by UN Security Council Resolution 2270 on Wednesday.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang was responding to a question at daily press briefing concerning a submarine-launched ballistic missile(SLBM) fired by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) earlier on Wednesday. Resolution 2270 was passed in March condemning DPRK's missile launches.

The missile was fired off the DPRK east coast and flew about 500 km towards Japan before landing in the sea, further than any previous test-firing.

"We believe that all parties to the Korean Peninsular nuclear issue should avoid action that may escalate tension, as the situation is complex and sensitive," Lu said.

Lu denied that DPRK's progress on SLBM is due to China easing sanctions on the DPRK as "revenge" for the decision to deploy a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery in the southeast of the Republic of Korea.

"As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has an unimpeachable record in meeting its international obligations and carrying out Security Council resolutions," Lu said.

He also said that all parties have the responsibility to safeguard regional peace and stability and create conditions for the early resumption of the six-party talks.

Also on Wednesday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China "opposes all action that violates UN Security Council Resolution 2270" at a joint press conference in Tokyo after the eighth trilateral foreign ministers' meeting between China, Japan and the Republic of Korea.

The Wednesday test-firing came two days after the Republic of Korea and the United States began their annual war games.

Pyongyang considers the drills a dress rehearsal for invasion, while the two allies claimed they are purely defensive in nature.

Source : XINHUA