Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (left) with Chinese Premier Li

Conventional wisdom tells us that no two countries can agree on everything, and it would be smart for India to join China in rising above their differences.

Starting from Friday, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi begins a three-day visit to India, the first for him in two years.

Many believe the trip aims to help rasp off the rough edges of the relationship between the world' s two leading developing countries, and build up consensus ahead of two important summits, the Group of 20 meeting in China and the BRICS gathering in India, to be held in the coming months.

As Beijing and New Delhi head into a season of intensive top-level diplomatic encounters that could well define the future of their partnership, the two need to work together to keep their disagreements in check.

What should be noted above all else is that India has wrongly blamed China for blocking its entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG).

So far, there is no precedent for a non-Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) signatory to become a NSG member. Many inside the body that monitors the global flow of nuclear materials insist prudence in handing a membership card to any non-treaty party.

However, New Delhi should not be downhearted as the door to the NSG is not tightly closed. But any future discussions need to be based on safeguarding an international nuclear non-proliferation mechanism, in which India itself has a huge stake.

In a join communique issued by the foreign ministers of China, India and Russia after they met in Moscow earlier this year, India agreed that the South China Sea issue should be addressed through talks between the parties concerned.

Given that the South China Sea correlates with China' s vital national interests, it is hoped that India would fully comprehend Beijing' s concerns, and continue to play a constructive role in maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific.

At the same time, the world' s two fastest-growing economies should maintain their positive momentum on bilateral ties that has been maintained in recent years, further deepen cooperation, especially in trade and commerce, and foster an even closer partnership.

In a time of lackluster global economic recovery, the two countries should team up to fend off trade protectionism, and make substantial efforts to bring the world' s economic house in order at the two key summits and beyond.

As key emerging markets, the two nations, by standing together hand in hand, can be a strong voice for the developing world, and render the global economic governance system fairer and more justice.

When it comes to addressing some of the world's most pressing challenges such as climate change, the fight against terrorism and food security, the two most populous BRICS members share great potential to do even more.

China and India are partners, not rivals, and as long as they can properly handle their differences with sincerity and political dexterity, bilateral ties will grow stronger while the two become a force for good around the world.

Source : XINHUA