A senior Egyptian journalist told Haaretz that the Egyptian military plans to deploy unmanned aerial drones in Sinai as part of the security operations to puruse terrorist elements. The newspaper said that this kind of aircrafts is not currently part of Egypt\'s arsenal. Thus, Morsi is expected to raise the issue with senior U.S. government officials during an upcoming visit to Washington, D.C. next month. In a related context, Israel Defense (the magazine of the IDF) published a detalied plan about the preparations of the Israeli army for military confrontation with Egypt if it breaks out, the magazine noted that relations between Cairo and Tel Aviv are going in a form of collision after 30 years of quiet peace and the \"poker game\" between them. The article warned that it will end with big losses in case of both sides declaring war. The military magazine said Israeli elements have expressed their discontent over Egypt due to the entry of tanks into the Sinai peninsula without coordinating the move with Israel in advance which was seen as the first step towards the colliding path between the two countries. The Israel Defense said that the Israeli army has already started training a big number of its troops on war confrontations on several fronts and had psychologically rehabilitating their fighters to face Egypt in case of war. The military magazine revealed the details of the Israeli army\'s new perennial plan, which was called “Oz” and was approved by the General Staff, noting that this plan will make a revolutionary change in the balance of power over the next five years. “Oz\'” doesn\'t bode any revolutionary changes to for the IDF. The military will not re-from divisions that were closed despite the dramatic events in Egypt. The Defense Ministry and the IDF will continue to produce Merkava tanks and armored personnel carriers, albeit at a reduced rate compared to original plans. The production of the Merkava 4 tank will continue at least until 2022. By then, the plans to develop and manufacture future combat vehicles, along the lines of a tank  or maybe something completely different, will come to pass. The Air Force is gambling nearly all of its acquisition budget on new F-35 fighter jets, whose first squadron is due near the end of the five-year plan, i.e. in 2016 or 2017. The IDF will try to defer payments for the second squadron for as late as possible, meaning the beginning of 2018. The IDF has begun a new project for acquiring a UAV called \"Sky Galloper,\" which will be intended for the ground forces’ brigade echelon. The decision regarding the new project was made as a follow-up to the \"Shani\" Low-Ground Layer project, which was halted. Israel Defense has learned that due to the IAF’s withdrawal from the project, the ground forces recently decided to develop a vehicle intended for the brigade level, but would be characterized precisely according to the branch\'s needs. It will be 1.5 times larger than the Sky Rider UAV and will be able to carry payloads that include both laser pointers for marking targets as well as day-and-night cameras. According to Oz plan the navy is expecting two  German \"Dolphin\" submarines in the coming years. The subs will be akin to “mini nuclear submarines.” Other than two new submarines, set to arrive in the next five years, the IDF hasn\'t allocated any funds for new missile boats despite the fact that the most advanced missile boats (\"Sa\'ar 5\") have already reached the midway mark of their lives and are nearing their 20 years anniversary in the service. The IDF maintains that the government is responsible for developing the naval force and is seeking to finance its next procurements by using gas royalties, citing that the naval force\'s development is necessary to defend the drilling rigs set to be built in coming years off Israel\'s coast. According to foreign sources, the Dolphin submarines have a second-strike capability, meaning that they can launch nuclear missiles into enemy territory, even if Israel is attacked first with nuclear weapons and its ground bases are destroyed. Israel Defense magazine said that after getting the details of the new plan, during the next 5 years the Israeli army will continue developing and deploying digital radar control system which scan a large area which can detect any movement. Israel Military Industries (IMI) revealed a previously unknown air-to-ground missile. The missile, Whip Shot, is intended for hitting soft targets such as a person or vehicle in an urban combat environment. The new missile is based on an old IMI-produced rocket, which rides on an optic ray. The Israel Defense magazine said that the Israeli army has graduated this week a new batch at the ‘cyber warefare’ school to  learn how to manage electronic wars. Figures in Beersheba city announced the formation of the unit of central intelligence collection called Legion 800 during the graduation ceremony. The magazine pointed out that despite the modesty of the ceremony, it indicated the Israeli army is working hard to train a new generation of soldiers to face cyber war, as this kind of war is important in current and future battlefields. Israel Defense said that according to Oz plan there are many leaderships that will be continuously changing and new leaders will be assigned for the main branches of the Israeli army to ensure the renewal of blood inside the military institution. The military magazine pointed out the appointment of General Benny Jants, the current chief of staff, last year for this position which was also a part of the plan, adding that new changes will occur in the coming period including appointing the commander of the ground forces Major General Samu Turguman to lead the southern military zone near the Egyptian borders. Israel Defense added the challenge in front of the peace agreement between Israel and Egypt reached a bad situation this week, more than what was expected before as the Brotherhood used the Rafah attack where 16 Egyptian soldiers were killed near Karm Abu Salem crossing earlier this month to cut the heads of the Minister field marshal Tantawi and the military leaders. They also used the bad security situation in Sinai to spread a large number of tanks, armored vehicles and fighter jets without coordinating with Israel, explaining that despite the entry of 20 tanks to the demilitarized zone in Sinai this week, this number doesn\'t represent any real military threat to Israel but it is a bigger and more dangerous threat to the peace agreement. The magazine added that Tel Aviv was forced to swallow the entry of the Egyptian forces in Sinai to enable Egypt to fight smuggling weapons to Gaza but since January 2011 Israel allowed seven battalions to the peninsula while also retroactively allowing the entry of extra forces to secure gas lines before ending the agreement from the Egyptian side. However the Egyptians were keen on not breaking the peace agreement, and keen on coordinating every movement with Israel.