Cairo – Akram Ali
The Egyptian military's Judicial Commission decided to summon lawyer Samir Sabri to hear his statements in the communiqué submitted by him against former intelligence chief Maj Gen Murad Muwafi next Sunday, after he accused Muwafi of failing to do his job. Sabri had filed a complaint against Muwafi to Attorney General Abdel Meguid Mahmoud. Egyptian intelligence reported that it had received prior information about the bloody attack launched by gunmen of the so-called Takfiri group on an Egpyptian army post in the Sinai Peninsula near the border with Israel, which killed 16 soldiers earlier this month. Muwafi claimed the reason Egyptian intellgence did not intervene beforehand was because he "did not imagine a Muslim killing his Muslim brother in Ramadan". Said the text of the communiqué: "As this negligence was made by the accused resulting in a catastrophe that threatened homeland security, and led to the deaths of 16 soldiers and a decision by the President to dismiss him on August 8, the accused must be punished for harmful crimes against the country's security and the public interest."