Jerusalem - Sona Adeek
On Sunday, “Yediot Aharonot” Hebrew Journal quoted that, Ovadia Yosef, the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel calls Israelis to: “Pray and invocate God to destroy Iran and totally annihilate it” in his weekly religious lesson last Saturday. This was on prayers in the Jewish feast period with the coming of the Hebrew month Tishri in a step which analysers described as an attempt to overcome the opposition of Shas leader in the government coalition, Eli Yishai, to perform an Israeli attack on Iran and to force him to change his mind. The journal said on its website about the Rabbi Yosef that he said: “Jewish believers should pray and invocate to God while they are celebrating and eating feast food to annihilate Iran and enemies who threatens Israel, by these sentences: \'May God annihilate and make them dead\' because God will eliminate our haters, enemies and anyone who wants to insult us and to head these prayers against (Hezbollah) and to invocate to the Creator to erase them from the Earth.” Quoting Jewish prayers that describe God destroying the army of enemies as: “Those who ride vehicles or horses while we remember how God inflicted them and we achieved victory.\" “Yediot Aharonot” website referred to that the Rabbi Ovadia Yosef was in a meeting last week with the leaders of the Hebrew State, including National Security Council Major-General, Yaakov Amidror, who briefed the Rabbi on the latest information and updates on Iran.