Baghdad - Jaafar Al Nasrawy
The Iraqi Sunni Association of Muslim Scholars considered the “International Judge Muhammed Day” on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks a “threat to security, stability and peace in the world” and held those who called for the event “responsible for any reactions against religious minorities.” The association said on Wednesday: \"Once again sick souls and ignorant wills, the work of global Zionism, insist on insulting Prophet Muhammed - peace be upon him – who was sent as mercy to the worlds, and who lead people from misguidance to guidance, from darkness to light.\" The Sunni association said they were referring to \"a misguided group\" led by Masonic extremist pastor Terry Jones. They added that the pastor manipulates emotions accompanying the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks to insult prophet Muhammed. The association considered the instigators of the event “a group having pervert, misguided thoughts, blinded by ignorance and fanaticism to the sublime reality of Islam and the message of the Prophet which calls for tolerance and love among humans.” The Iraqi association added that “holding such trial aims at fuelling hatred between humans. It threatens security, stability and peace in the world. They harm Christian-Muslim relations”. The association urged the American authorities to “prevent the organisation of such farce by all means possible.” The association also asserted that “the trial is not a form of freedom of opinion as its promoters claim but comprises racist influences and stimulates feelings of hatred and resentment, which may harm the American national security”. The association considered the trial organised would be “responsible for any reactions that involve hatred and racism against religious minorities whether in the US or in Islamic countries” and pointed out that “all Muslims will share the sadness of the families of the 9/11 victims”. American pastor Terry Jones had called for a popular trial for the Prophet under the name of “International Judge Muhammad Day” in Florida, based on the proposition that Prophet Muhammed was the cause of the 9/11 incident in 2001. The call triggered many reactions, many from Al-Azhar religious institution in Egypt which condemned Monday the insults aimed at the prophet and the calls for the International Judge Muhammad Day and asserted that “Islam is the religion of co-existence