Sources in the Tunisian foreign ministry denied the rumors spread on ‘Facebook’, that Rahid Al-Gannushi has expelled the Syrian ambassador from Tunisia. Different media sources, including ‘Sawa’ radio station, have claimed that Rahid Al-Gannushi, leader of Ennahda party decided to close the Syrian embassy, expel the Syrian Ambassador, and recognize the Syrian National Council as the legitimate representative of Syria There was no statement issued regarding this decision by Ennahda party, which won with the majority in the first free Tunisian elections.  The party was one of the political parties who agreed to establish “the Tunisian coordination office to support the Syrian revolution, to support the right for freedom, and break what they called the arab silence towards what happens in Syria The coordinator called last month the transitional government to communicate with the Syrian National Council and study the possibilities of dealing with it. The coordinator has considered the establishment of the Syrian National Council is a step that helped uniting the opposition parties to support the revolution.