A demonstrator protests against proposed labour reforms

The French Socialist government was reportedly poised Tuesday to push through labour reforms without a vote as protesters gathered for their 12th show of opposition to the controversial package since March.

"The decision has been taken and the prime minister will announce it officially in parliament, likely at the start of the debate at 3:00 pm (1300 GMT)," a political source told AFP.

It would be the second time the government will have used the so-called 49-3 provision for this package of reforms because it could not count on the votes of the left flank of the Socialist Party in parliament.

An opinion poll published last week found that 73 percent of the French would be "shocked" if the government used that provision for the final passage of the reforms, seen as too pro-business and threatening to cherished workers' rights.

Union and student-backed demonstrations against the reforms began nearly four months ago, with some protests descending into violence.