French Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson

France has welcomed the recapture of the city of Hawija by the Iraqi forces on way to completely liberate the country from Daesh.

In a statement, the French Foreign Ministry’s Spokesperson said "France welcomes this decisive victory, made possible thanks to the courage and sacrifice of the Iraqi forces, with the support of France and the international coalition."

"The recapture of the city of Hawija is a further step toward the complete liberation of the Iraqi territories under Daesh control and another victory for Iraq in the fight against terrorism," the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson added France will spare no effort to eradicate Daesh, through military means, from its last strongholds. 

"It is working on the next stage: national reconciliation, the reconstruction and implementation of an inclusive government—the only way to prevent the resurgence of terrorism in other forms. This is the purpose of the "new partnership between Iraq and France" that President Macron is calling for."

Source: MENA