Tripoli - Arabstoday
Libyan sources have reported the disappearance of a retired colonel in the Libyan Air Force, who served during the regime of slain leader Muammar Gaddafi. The ex fighter disappeared from a military hospital he was being treated in in Paris. French lawyer Francois Djibo said: \"The police are looking for Abdul Salam Abu Djaja (68) who disappeared from the Val de Grace hospital on August 6 wearing his hospital gown. His relatives are afraid he has either been kidnapped or killed.\" Abu Djaja was on a medical visit to the French capital accompanied by his wife and son, after the Libyan government allowed him to travel for treatment. The French newspaper \"Liberation\", quoted his son saying: \"My father served for 30 years in the air force during the rule of Gaddafi before retiring in 1998\". The newspaper reported that he was also involved in \"transporting military cargo such as bags of money and atomic materials for the nuclear industry to countries such as Iran, Chad, Rwanda, Nicaragua, Lebanon and Syria\".