Khalifa Harb, a close aide of the late Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, held a concert in Tunisia last month to mark his wife\'s birthday, French magazine Le Point reported.  The French weekly said Harb had invited a number of prominent figures, including Jean-Marie Le Pen, the Honorary leader of the French National Front party, In its Monday edition, the magazine said Le Pen and his wife received an invitation to stay in the Tunisian city, Hammamet, by Khalifa Harb who also paid their expenses and accommodation. In a telephone interview with the magazine, Le Pen said: \"I was invited on the occasion of the birthday of Harb’s wife Gala, who is a friend of mine... Gaddafi was killed but I should not cut all ties or meetings with his relatives.\" The magazine said the visit by Le Pen and his wife in Tunisia last month caused controversy and outrage amongst some political parties, to the extent that some of them asked tourists to leave the country in protest. Khalifa Harb is a close aide to Gaddafi and was responsible for his investments in Europe. He is the founder of the Belgian-Libyan Chamber of Commerce.