Hamas forces have launched rockets at an Israeli settlement near Netivot, southern Israel, an Israeli radio reported. No casualties or damaged were recorded by the Israeli authorities. Another rocket was launched the same morning Israeli radio stated that a Palestinian rocket has fall Tuesday night in Shaar Hanegev Israeli settlement in Western Nagev area south Israel, the radio mentioned that the rocket explosion resulted in no causalities or material damages, where another similar rocket fall Tuesday morning on the Eshkhol Regional Council in the western Negev – no casualties or damage were claimed either. The latest strike comes after more than 55 rocket-propelled grenades were launched at Israel near Gaza on Monday. Hamas and Jihad groups claim the attack. An Israeli official told Maariv newspaper: “The recent events will force us to launch a military operation on the ground in order to restore Israel’s power over Gaza.” Israeli Military Chief of Staff Benny Guinness said when he took office that there will be "no escape from a military operation in the Gaza Strip". The newspaper explained that Operation Cast Lead – also known as Gaza Massacre - was led during Mubarak’s presidency, who was more compliant with Israel’s military operations against Palestine and Gaza. Under Morsi, the situation is different for Israel and a military operation against Gaza would cause tension between Egypt and Israel.