The president of the Lebanese Forces Party \"el-Kowat el Lebnanya\" Samir Geagea , declared in a press conference that: \"The small electorate project is considered the best suggestion for a developed election law. We are looking forward to gather more votes in the parliament for the new small electorate project\". He said: \"We were the first to call for and participate in Bkrki committee to study the proposal of the orthodox meeting. I remind MP Michel Aoun and MP Alain Aoun from the committee of change and reform that we have found them all refusing this project including their alliances, as Aoun is not allowed to just outbid us. I remind Aoun that we had previously five choices proposed at Bkrki committee about election law, as if Aoun alliances accepted the orthodox meeting law, in which we will accept.\" On the security issue he said: \"A declaration for someone from 8 March has grabbed my attention, as I consider it ‘a national betrayal’ that he says that there are Yemeni-Afghan groups present in north Lebanon, as I say to them; you are the government, so you can arrest them, unless you will be the betrayer.” Lebanese Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi can called for forming two committees: one about forcibly disappeared prisoners and arrested officially in Syria, and the other on those missing during civil war. He asserted: \"The parliamentary election has no relation to what is happening now in Syria and if we faced any new actions we have to overcome it, and we shouldn’t manipulate the constitutional dates, starting by the election\". He demanded from the government to open markets for selling Lebanese apples, as he invited both Presidents Suleiman and Miqati to make their contacts by saving the apple season through exporting and marketing it.