Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh has welcomed the Miles of Smiles 16 Solidarity Convoy in the Gaza Strip. He said that “Miles of Smiles” was a clear indication that the political and the economical siege on Gaza was being challenged. Miles of Smiles bring the help of 38 activists as well as medical supplies to Gaza. Haniyeh said this action tell the Palestinian people that “they are not facing aggression, siege and oppression alone. It also shows the world the crimes Israel is committing against our land and people.” The Hamas leader said: “Freedom and independence are achieved in two ways; either with the help of the international community, or with resistance and uprising. “The first option failed, we have nothing left but resistance, revolution and uprising to gain our rights, freedom and independence. We are a movement for liberation and revolution, we welcomed the Libyan, Egyptian, Tunisian and Yemeni revolutions. We support the Syrian people in their aspiration to gain freedom, dignity and rights.” Haniyeh said: “The Palestinians were so happy with the Egyptian revolution; defeating oppression and tyranny is a victory for Palestine. “The Palestinian issue is the first beneficiary of the victory of revolutions in Arab countries. It means the fall of the regimes that conspired against Palestinians.” Haniyeh also addressed the nation: “We promise we will not compromise and give up Palestinian land. We won’t stop the Jihad and we promise support, constancy until we get the rights we deserve.” The Palestinian PM said the Miles of Smiles convoy proved that people show solidarity with Palestinians, despite cultural and ethnic differences. He added: “We appreciate the convoy, Gaza’s guest in memory of al-Aqsa Intifada (Uprising).” “This anniversary lived by the Palestinians today is the continuity of the Palestinian revolutions since Buraq in 1928, the strike of 1936 up until the Intifada  in 2000. This is an evidence that proves Palestinian people are determined to achieve freedom and independence.” he continued. The Palestinian PM called for “stopping the bloodshed in the Palestinian camps in Syria, specially Yarmouk camp. The Palestinian bloodshed is not acceptable, it’s a precious blood and the Syrian blood is precious too.” The arrival of the convoy coincides with the start of Taqwa’s mosque construction, which was destroyed by Israel, along with another 130 mosques in Gaza.