“Tunnels extending across the borders between Egypt and Gaza strip, will be removed as quickly as the crossings between the two sides open and operate on a permanent basis,” said the Hamas government Prime Minister in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh. Speaking on Thursday at the reception of the Arab Front, Haniyeh said that the tunnels were made as a result of the blockade imposed on the strip, so they will be removed as this blockade is lifted. Haniyeh stressed the importance of cooperation between Egypt and Gaza, especially in security issues, emphasising that his government would never accept any threats against Egypt\'s security to be launched from Gaza, and reiterated his denial of a suspected involvement of a Gaza-based group in the militant attack that left 16 Egyptian border guards dead nearly a month ago. He also supported the idea of establishing a trade free zone in the border area between Egypt and Gaza. The Egyptian army is currently carrying out a military campaign against the militant groups in Sinai, which saw the Egyptian army forces destroy dozens of tunnels connecting Sinai to Gaza. The Rafah crossing, which is the main travel gate between the two sides is still subjected to frequent closures.