Former Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri has said that embattled Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad will leave “sooner or later”. “What is happening in Syria now is a real revolution which is unparalleled in the region,” Hariri posted in his Twitter account. About an international intervention in Syria, Hariri said: “We want what the Syrians want, considering the Russian support of Al-Assad regime as a serious situation.” He also called for establishing humanitarian corridors to allow Syrians fleeing the Assad regime access to Lebanon. He also confirmed there was no need for reconciliation with MP Walid Jumblatt, as there were no longer any disputes between them. He insisted that Lebanon shared good relations with Saudi Arabia. Hariri urged Lebanese armed outfit Hezbollah to understand that Lebanon was “more important than its arms”, pointing out that the Future Movement was a Lebanese national party that represented all families in Lebanon.