The Vice-President of the Executive Council in Hezbollah, Sheikh Nabil Kaouk has derided threats by Israel to attack Iran and deter its suspected nuclear programme. At a commemorative celebration in memory of the father of  Rabie Ali Rumaytiheld in Tower Qallawiyah, the official of the southern Lebanese-based Shiite movement said: \"What worries Israel is that when it sends out threats, it can\'t find any kind of worry on our side, as it is still waiting for Iran and the Palestinian resistance to respond with fear. Israelis end up afraid, causing demonstrations to attack the Israeli defence minister\'s house, demanding the country not be sucked into a new war.\" He said: \"Israel is threatening us with a trembling body as they know that the resistance is preparing itself, despite their difficulties they [the resistance] succeeded in increasing their military power. This increased Israel\'s fear. It is normal to see Israel reinforcing its power to be a part of the US project targeting the resistance, as this proves that they are losing.\" Kaouk added that \"the equation of the military, people, and resistance is stronger with the regional changes and international pressure and have proved that with their blood\".  \"For what we are battling to protect our country; liberating Shebaa farms and Kafr Shuba hills, or against the people who joined Israel in fighting us in 1982? Or those who conspired against the homeland and the resistance in the 2006 aggression?\" he said. He also said Lebanon\'s opposition March 14 bloc \"could not be trusted to take responsibility of the country or the people\". \"Their last concern is to liberate Shebaa farms, the Kafr Shuba hills, and Ghagar, to stop Israeli infiltration into Lebanese airspace, as they may have changed their slogan from \'Lebanon First\' to \"free military first\" after entering to military, security, political, media, and financial cooperation involving Lebanon in the spiraling war in Syria,\" he added. \"We are always against involving Lebanon in this war, but the March 14 movement is doing the reverse, implementing the US and regional demand. If it didn’t work according to the US agenda, it will lose its credibility, especially as it needs financial and political support as we on the threshold of the elections,\" he said. Kaouk continued: \"We support the project which threatens Israel and USA, we can\'t just stand by praising the Syrian revolution, as what is happening there became clear to us, it\'s not at all related to reforms or freedom or democracy. The people who gathered in Mecca to condemn Syrian regime are the same people who killed a child yesterday in Manama, who arrested the head of a human rights association and imprisoned him for three years for demonstrating without permission. So why do they support militants and demonstrations in Syria now, if they think demonstrating is illegal or \'Haram\'? Why are human rights being violated in their countries while they push for \'freedom\' in Syria?\".  The leader of the armed Lebanese movement finally called for \"stopping the repression in Bahrain and the eastern areas as those demonstrators are Arabs and Muslims who also have human rights\".