UN and partners get relief convoy into besieged town of Madaya.

A 23-truck convoy was able to deliver life-saving assistance to 35,000 people trapped in the besieged Syrian town of Madamiyet on Thursday, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported Friday.

"The assistance included food, medical supplies, nutrition, education, and non-food supplies. The trucks and the drivers returned safely to Damascus after delivery," said OCHA spokesman Jens Laerke.

Located in rural Damascus, the area was last reached two months ago. Thursday's delivery means that almost 1.3 million people have been reached across the war-torn country since relief operations kicked off earlier this year.

This has been done through 115 inter-agency convoys, 85 airlifts, and 122 airdrops, Laerke said.

"We continue to plan for further cross-line and cross-border deliveries as soon as conditions on the ground allow us to do so," he added.

Syria's five-year civil-war has meant that some 13.5 million civilians are in need of assistance, of which almost 5.5 million are living in besieged and hard-to-reach areas.

Source : XINHUA