Tunisia - Nabil Zaghdoud
The Tunisian League against the Shiite Tide asked the government to: “Immediately accelerate shutting down the Iranian Cultural Center, which works on spreading Shiism in our country, within a perfect scheme to sow sectarian strife which we do not need. Stop all government programs shared between Tunisia and the State of Iran, in areas of cultural and educational exchange.\" In a statement to Arabstoday The President of the Tunisian League against Shiite, Ahmed Bin Hasanah explained: “This call comes after the recent clashes that occurred in the governorate of Bizerte (north) and Fabs (south-east) and the accompanying violence that shows that it was caused by suspicious activities of Shiite parties with loyalty to the state of Iran.\" He accused the Iranian Cultural Center of: \"Spreading Shiism in Tunisia through a scheme that is based on the allocation of funds, recruiting people and the formation of dormant cells with loyalties to Iran. These dominant cells works according to a racist agenda which they spread in the country in order to move it whenever they want to put pressure on Tunisia.\" The President of the Tunisian League against the Shiite accused two Tunisian organisations of organising suspicious activities in conjunction with the Iranian Cultural Center. He said \"The Tunisian League for Tolerance stands behind the recent events in the governorate of Bizerte, in which Salafi extremist attacked acultural event organized by the Tunisian League for tolerance within the framework of the second session of \"al-Aqsa Festival\". He added: \"This League (Tunisian League for Tolerance) is hostile to Tunisia’s identity of Sunni Maliki.\" Commenting on charges of working to prevent minorities from exercising rituals Ahmed bin Hasanah said: \"As far as we stick to freedom of belief and respect all religions without exception, and our belief in the values ??of tolerance and the right of difference, we consider the risk that some Tunisians work for foreign parties to spread the Shiite doctrine between us, given the threat this poses to the security of our country and its stability, and plant sectarian strife between its residence, that will finally plunge the country into a spiral of violence and tension.\" The Tunisian League against the Shiite Tide called the National Constituent Assembly to speed up the enactment of a law criminalising attacking sanctuaries, especially insulting el-Sahaba (the companions) and the wives of the Prophet, so people resort to violence to stop these Shiites and also called for the Ministry of (religious endowments) and the rest of the concerned ministries to take the necessary measures to stop the Shiites in Tunisia, and maintain the compatibility of the fabric of our society, and to protect the identity Sunni Arab-Islamic Maalikis moderate spiritual identity of Tunisia, and to put an end to all foreign interferences in the doctrines of our people. This request came after a few days of violence and chaos in the governorates of Bizerte and Fabs, when Salafi extremist spoiled two cultural demonstrations on Jerusalem Day, which is celebrated on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, every year, and Iran was the first country to greet the day Year 1979. There was no official stance by the Cultural Center, or by the Iranian Embassy in Tunisia.