Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, called for uniting the Iraqi forces to be a national force, and away from parties or political actors, stressing the need to give the people of the disputed areas the management of these areas, away from the central authorities.
 Al-Abadi said that security forces for the first time battling with the Peshmerga forces against ISIS, pointed out that the Iraqi government will seek to convert the disputed areas to the agreed areas to reconstruct these cities, which will be ruled by its people, pointing out that the people of Mosul will rule Mosul, and the people of Sulaymaniyah will rule Sulaymaniyah rule.

Concerning the battle of Mosul, al-Abadi said that the city will be liberated soon, thanks to the sacrifices of all Iraqis.

Iraq will continue to hit Islamic State targets in Syria, as well as in neighboring countries if they give their approval, he said.
"I respect the sovereignty of states, and I have secured the approval of Syria to strike positions on its territory," he added.

Abadi announced the cost of infrastructure losses after the battles with ISIS, which amounted to $ 35 billion, calling for the necessity of reconstruction of the liberated areas, away from the personal and party interests.
The left side of the Nineveh province witnesses fierce battles between Iraqi forces and ISIS organization to liberate the city.