A Jordanian official  in his statement to Arabstoday stated that: \"The Jordanian PM will discuss in its first session after Eid the presence of  theSyrian ambassador in Jordan and recalling Jordanian ambassador from Damascus.\" The official who refused to be named said: \"Jordan felt greatly embarrassed by the way the Syrian ambassador in Amman dealt with the foreign ministry\'s recalling demand.\" The Jordanian foreign ministry had recalled the Syrian ambassador (Bahgat Suleiman) from Amman after a falling shell injured a Jordanian child injured near the Tora border area last Sunday. The ambassador refused the demand arguing it is during Eid, meanwhile the Jordanian government delivered a protesting memo to the Charge d\'affaires of the Syrian embassy in Amman. The Minister of State for Media and Communication Affairs, Samih Maaytah stated: \"Jordan doesn\'t want to be a part of the Syrian crisis, we are worried about the evolving situation in Syria\". On the shell from Syrian that fell in Jordanian lands Maaytah said to the BBC: \"I hope the Syrian side takes the needed measures to avoid repeating this incident.\" On Syrian-Jordanian relations and how it was affected by the affair, the minister mentioned that Syrian relations with neighboring countries witnessed a clear tension since the beginning of the events, without specifying details on Jordan\'s relations.