Florida Muslims say they are outraged and fearful after a pastor's Koran-burning led to deadly attacks in Afghanistan. Imam Tariq Rasheed, director of the Islamic Center of Orlando, told The Orlando Sentinel Afghan President Hamid Karzai also was "irresponsible" for publicizing the Rev. Terry Jones' act in Gainesville two weeks after it happened March 20. Karzai "knows his people," Rasheed said. "Muslims are outraged, but there is nothing we can do. We fully understand who Terry Jones is. This guy is a nut job," said Imam Muhammad Musri, president of the Islamic Society of Central Florida. The widow of the Dove World Outreach Center's founder told The Gainesville Sun the church "has turned into a cult" under Jones. Don Northrup founded the church in 1985, and it grew to almost 200 members, Dolores Northrup said. He died in 1996, and now it's down to a few dozen members. "It certainly didn't start out with this in mind," she said. "I don't feel it's really a church anymore." Dolores Northrup said she stopped attending services there two years ago.