Beirut - Georges Chahine
Lebanon\'s military has accused Israeli troops of kidnapping a Lebanese citizen, releasing the following statement: \"In a new violation against the Lebanese sovereignty, a police patrol related to the Israeli military troops have kidnapped a Lebanese farmer citizen called Ismail Khalil Nabaa on Shebaa borders Wednesday 3pm\". The Lebanese military has carried out intensive contacts with the United Nation interim forces in it, calling for immediate releasing their citizen. The Lebanese Foreign Minister, Adnan Mansour, has condemned the action saying: \"Israel\'s aggressive piracy action of interfering inside the Lebanese territories and kidnapping the Lebanese citizen has added to the Israeli series of continuous attacks against Lebanon and its Sovereignty. Today\'s attack is a clear breaching to resolution number 1701; Israel has to release our citizen immediately\". Minister Mansour has called the Permanent UN Lebanese representative Nawaf Salam, asking him to inform the United Nations about the new Israeli attack.