Supporters of Egyptian presidential candidate Mohammed Morsi staged celebration rallies in the Mauritanian capital of Nouakchott. Participants carried pictures of Morsi and cheered for his self-proclaimed success in the run-off vote for Egypt\'s presidential elections. Though official results are not due until Thursday, both Morsi and rival Ahmed Shafiq claim to have won the election. The supporters chanted slogans and songs celebrating the arrival of Egypt\'s Islamists to power, saying his victory was \"one for the Egyptian revolution and Egypt as a country, with a strategic position in the Arab world and Africa as a whole\". Supporters of the National Rally for Reform and Development (Tawasol), an Islamist organisation in Mauritania, held pictures and slogans on cars backing  the Muslim Brotherhood candidate. Vice President of the Tawasol party and Mayor of Dar Naim district (south of Nouakchott), Sheikhan Ould said Morsi\'s win was \"historic\" and that the process of change in Mauritania had begun. He called on citizens to celebrate Mauritanian Opposition Day on June 23, demanding the overthrow of the regime of President Mohammed Ould Abdel Aziz. He added that the participants of the Morsi march should attend the festival, saying a large turnout was important for the opposition.