The Moroccan government described a report by the US Kennedy Foundation on the southern regions and Tindouf camps in Algerian territory as biased.    The Moroccan Communication Minister Mostafa al-Khalfy, said to Arab Maghreb that the government believes the report on humanitarian conditions is biased. The Minister claims some accusations lack evidence while others are based on unreliable data. Al-Khalfy feels the report totally ignored the deteriorating situation of human rights in Tindouf camps. “This report should not contribute in finding a solution to this conflict. Our government shall work on a detailed response to what was mentioned in the report,\" said the Communications Minister. The Robert Kennedy Foundation for Human Rights is ran by Kerry Kennedy, a relative of former US president John Kennedy. It announced in its initial report, after visiting the Sahara region on August 27, that Morocco does not respect human rights. It also claims the police\'s presence creates an atmosphere of panic. The report stated, “the violation of liberty, freedom of expression and physical abuse breaks both laws and human rights.” The report also said Morocco needs to stop violating the human rights of Sahara residents, who are asking for their independence. The visit by the American organisation coincided with statements by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon. The UN leader recently announced there will be no change in its  mission to find a political solution to the Sahara conflict.