Morocco ambassador to the United States

Morocco ambassador to the United States Lalla Joumala Alaoui held on Monday a grand reception in the Hall of the Americas in Washington, D.C. on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the Throne Day.

The ceremony was attended by over 500 people, including high US officials such as Wilbur Ross, the US Secretary of Commerce, Stuart Jones, Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs Deputy Assistant Secretary, and Yael Lempert, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Egypt and the Maghreb.

Other guests included Jonathan Nash, Chief Executive Officer of Millennium Challenge Corporation, and Jennifer Rasamimanana, the new US General Consular in Casablanca.

Retired US Army General James Jones, former US ambassadors to Morocco, Dwight Bush, Samuel L. Kaplan, Eduard Gabriel, several accredited ambassadors to Washington, representatives of the Moroccan community, presidents of think tanks, businessmen, and media personalities were also among the attendees.

The ceremony commenced with an operatic performance of the Moroccan national anthem by Moroccan-American Jewish singer David Serero.


During the ceremony, Lalla Joumala expressed her thanks to her guests and highlighted the significance of the national holiday.

“On this anniversary, which is very dear to us, we wish His Majesty the King a long reign, health and fulfillment in the implementation of His aspirations for more stability, progress and opportunities for all Moroccans “.

She also praised Morocco-US relations and the strong ties between the two countries.

The ambassador said that since she was appointed as Morocco’s ambassador to the US, she has received a warm welcome from Americans and Moroccans alike. She thanked both sides for their generosity.

“Countless American friends and partners from varied and diverse backgrounds have shown enthusiastic voluntarism and generosity to reaffirm, in the best possible way, the unwavering and special ties that have united our two nations for more than two centuries.”

Lalla Joumala hailed Moroccan diaspora “for its welcome” and “its valuable contribution to the consolidation of the exceptional partnership between Morocco and the United States”.

“Your Role as Ambassadors of the Kingdom in the United States is unavoidable as well-integrated actors in a positive and proactive approach “, said the ambassador.

“It is an honor to represent you in this great country.”

A documentary film about Morocco’s partnership with African countries was showcased during the ceremony

source: AFP