The wife of ousted president Hosni Mubarak, Suzanne, will be released on bail \"shortly\" after handing over her assets to the state, a judicial source told AFP on Tuesday. \"The case into the illegal acquisition of wealth is still ongoing, however the wife of the former president does not need to be in detention because she relinquished her assets to the state. She will be released on bail shortly,\" the source said. It was not immediately clear how much bail was set for. The former first lady was ordered detained on Friday after a three hour interrogation by the Illicit Gains Authority, which accused her of abusing her position to acquire wealth illegally. On Monday, Mrs. Mubarak gave three powers of attorney to Assem al-Gohari, the head of the illicit gains department, authorising him to withdraw the cash from accounts in two banks and to sell a luxury villa she owns in Cairo. Hours after her detention order on Friday, Mrs. Mubarak reportedly suffered a heart attack and was transferred to the intensive care unit in Sharm el-Sheikh hospital. Her husband is also under arrest at the same hospital, on charges of corruption and for allegedly ordering the shooting of anti-regime protesters during a popular uprising that overthrew him on February 11. Mubarak\'s detention has been repeatedly extended since he was first held on April 13.