Beirut - Georges Chahine
The leader of Lebanese editors Elias Aoun, accompanied by a delegation from the syndicate consultants and members, visited the grand Mufti of Lebanon, Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani on Monday morning to discuss different issues about Lebanon and the region. Aoun started his meeting with his speech about the Mufti \"who believes in the message of the Lebanese word serving human, nations, and society.\" Mufti congratulated the syndicate council for all their exerted efforts in serving journalism and Lebanon, presenting his deep condolences for journalism martyrs families in Lebanon, Arab countries and all over the world.\" He added: \"When issues and complicated problems accumulate and dialogue becomes deep so we should check our texts that organize work of any association in the state.\"He added: \"Today, when we set election law, we see a clean conflict, where it is clear that each category wants to take Lebanese to its side, to be able to succeed. But who wants to set a Lebanese constitution for saving stability and safety for all Lebanese, who are trying to earn their living, look for good education, medical treatment, and job opportunities, seeking for developing their countries to have better future, not just depend on tourism.” He followed: \"Who would think about what happened in Egypt, Tunisia, and Syria despite the controlled situation, why Lebanon must be away from all that? Lebanese are good, but conspiracy against Lebanon is bigger. Lebanon is a form of reality resulted from sectarianism and intellectual compound which is the main key of the region. I will not talk about people\'s demands asking for justice, but foreign countries are using these demonstrations, so change is a must, no one can assume that his regime is the best, in Lebanon it’s a matter of seats you leave your place to let me sit in it. Presidents have to be restricted in controlling their power not just by speeches but all weapon carriers even if they are fighting each, they have to reconcile through representatives, and this can protect people at any region.\"