A member of the political office and leader of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Rabah Muhanna revealed a meeting held between member of the front and Hamas leadership in his office two weeks ago. The meeting discussed the latest development is Gaza in the presence of the member of the political office of Hamas Emad al-Alami. On Tuesday, Rabah said in a press statement that they warned Hamas’ leadership that the situation in Gaza Strip might explode due to the government’s policies and security forces that pressurised the public. He pointed out what he called the Bureij camp as an example where the public went to the streets after an accidental death of a girl, burnt because of candle that was used due the continuous power cut. At the time, the security forces dealt with the public. Muhanna added that the security forces summoned activists of the people’s front to security headquarters. He mentioned that another issue discussed was Hamas’ monopolising of the executive, legislative and judicial powers and taking money from people without any control. He added that no one knows where this money is spent and whether Hamas is spending the money on the people or themselves. Regarding the statements and the sources of information, Muhanna said they received many reports and citizen complaints warning about these sorts of issues. He added money collection without being monitored will escalate the situations and affect people’s steadfastness against the occupation. He added that the Palestinian people suffer two powers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which both race in oppressing the public’s movement.