Mohammad Badih, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt said that both Hamadayn Sabbahi and Ayman Nour, independent candidates for the Egyptian presidency, are asking him to support the community, and to mobilize the masses, and give their support for winning the presidency. However, so far they have not announced support for a specific person. During a public speech in one of the Egyptian provinces, Badih added that the Muslim Brotherhood have established principles, citing the decision not to nominate their representative for the presidency.  Instead Abdel Moneim Abul Fotouh has put himself forward for the role, and consequently has had to be sacked.  He indicated that although it was extremely difficult, this decision was final.  He stressed that the group is also happy with its resolution on the proportion of people running for the People's Congress and the Shura Council, as it has not been modified.  With regards to the elections, he indicated support for the group with the most efficient and fair candidate that is not looking for a dictatorship.