The Deputy Director of Preventive Security in Jenin, Colonel Hisham al-Rokh, has been shot by unknown people this morning. Sources in Jenin refugee camp said that Colonel Hisham al-Rokh was in his car in a mountainous area between al-Gabryat and Jenin camp, when around six bullets were fired, killing him instantly. Jenin Governor, Talal Dweikat, confirmed the death of Colonel Hisham al-Rokh in his press statement and promised to find the perpetrators and have them prosecuted. The Jenin Governorate has witnessed a number of chaotic incidents in the past few months, most notably the shooting of the former Governor of Jenin, Kadoura Moussa at his home which resulted in his death. In response to such incidents, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) launched security campaigns to attempt to annihilate such incidents as well as arrest and prosecute those involved.