The leader of Lebanon\'s Progressive Socialist Party, MP Walid Jumblatt, slammed Monday the Non-Aligned Movement during its summit in Iran for its support of the Syrian government’s “tyranny” against its people. He expressed his regret over the participation of some Arab leaders, \"especially those who were brought by Arab revolutions that overthrew the symbols of tyranny, along with representatives of  Syrian; a regime that did more damage to its citizens than Israel did to the Palestinian people\". It may have been an indirect reference to Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi. “It is ironic for the Non-Aligned Movement which started in Bandung in 1955 with senior figures such as Jamal Abdel-Nasser to turn into ... a movement aligning with regimes that practice tyranny against their people and support with all its might other regimes who practice unprecedented killing and oppression,” Jumblatt said. He said the proof of this lies in the protection offered by some countries to the Syrian regime, against the people\'s aspirations. He also criticised the participation of Palestinian leaders in the summit, saying they should have more sympathy for the Syrian people, given that the regime’s practices against its people are on par with what Israel has done to the Palestinian people, from destruction of their cities to leaving people homeless. “It is ironic for some Arab leaders who were recently elected following revolutions that toppled tyranny to participate in the meeting. Instead of aligning with their people and their interests, you see them sitting alongside those who represent a bulwark against the rights of the Syrian people and their epic struggle,” Jumblatt said. Jumblatt also spoke about domestic issues, reiterating his party’s position on the need to look for a mechanism that could gradually integrate armed Shiite movement Hezbollah’s arms with the army in defence of Lebanon and to keep the decision to wage war or maintain peace in the hands of the state. “It is no doubt that the resistance\'s rockets can force the immigration of hundreds of thousands of Israelis but the Lebanese have the right to question their fate and future in any future war,” the PSP leader said. \"The Lebanese side that is represented by President Michel Sleiman expressed what is convenient with the Lebanese national interest and not other regional interests,\" he added. He also saluted the Army for slowly restoring order to Tripoli, north Lebanon, following week-long clashes that left at least 17 people killed and more than 120 wounded, including 11 soldiers. He said the army proved that it “has the ability to carry out its duties particularly when it has the political will.” \"Finally, I congratulate the hosts of the summit of the Non-Alignment Countries on Darya and Bosra massacres that comes in the context of the previous series of massacres that occurred in AlHafa, Altrimssh, and Hula, and dozens of villages and towns and that are countless,\" he concluded.